RIM provides a comprehensive suite of rehabilitation services including:
- Same employer return to work
- Different employer return to work
- Workplace assessments
- Case management
- Case conferencing
RIM specialises in the management of complex Psychological Injuries.
Each RIM Rehabilitation Consultant has extensive experience and been extensively trained in the management of Psychological claims, with a wide range of services and solutions to assist your injured worker to return to work.
As with physical injuries, remaining off work and separated from the workplace increases the impact of the injury on the individual, their family and the workplace.
RIM Consultants work quickly and professionally to identify a strategy to return the injured worker to work and gain the cooperation of the injured worker’s treating professionals.
RIM engage treating professionals and the injured workers to help them understand their work capacity and the health benefits of working productively as members of their community.
RIM provide highly effective mediation services that gain the trust and confidence of all parties and facilitates productive conversations that lead to positive outcomes for injured workers and employers.
Call RIM today on 9633 9933, to discuss how RIM can help you more effectively manage your Workers Compensation Claim.
RIM provides a comprehensive suite of rehabilitation services including:
RIM is a team of Rehabilitation Consultants who are experts in return to work after a workplace injury.
We take the time to understand your organisation and requirements and work with you to deliver industry leading rehabilitation services.